Machine Learning for Structured Data
Teaching Assistant
August 2022 - December 2022
- Recipient of the Machine Learning Department Teaching Assistant Award
- Taught Master and PhD students machine learning topics specifically related to structured prediction such as Markov random fields, Conditional random fields, Markov chain Monte Carlo and more
- Led recitation sessions, held office hours, proctored exams, and helped grade assignments and exams
Introduction to Machine Learning (PhD)
Teaching Assistant
August 2021 - May 2022
- Recipient of the Machine Learning Department Teaching Assistant Award
- Taught PhD students machine learning topics such as GANs, Deep-Q Learning, Duality, Rademacher Complexity, Reinforcement Learning, Kernel PCA, Random Forests, Graphical Models and more
- Led recitation sessions, held office hours, proctored exams, and helped grade assignments and exams
Programming and Data Analysis for Social Scientists
Teaching Assistant
January 2022 - May 2022
- Taught students how to program and visualize data in R using packages such as tidyverse, dplyr, etc.
- Graded papers and case studies that dealt with students analyzing and interpreting public data
Introduction to Machine Learning
Lead Teaching Assistant
August 2020 - May 2021
- Recipient of the Machine Learning Department Teaching Assistant Award
- Taught undergraduate and master’s students introductory machine learning topics such as Decision Trees, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes, Neural Networks, SVM, PCA, Kernel Methods, Ensemble Methods, Recommender Systems and more
- Led recitation sessions, held office hours, proctored exams, and helped grade assignments and exams
Applied Quantitative Social Science
Teaching Assistant
August 2019 - December 2020
- Guided and taught honor students how to analyze and visualize data using R as well as the methods of empirical research
- Graded papers and case studies that dealt with students analyzing and interpreting public data
Methods for Statistics & Data Science
Teaching Assistant
June 2020 – August 2020
- Taught students how to clean and model data in R using methods such as ANOVA, multiple regression analysis, etc.
- Covered machine learning topics including logistic regression, binary classifiers, and clustering
- Led recitation sessions, held office hours, proctored exams, and helped grade homework and lab assignments
Reasoning With Data
Teaching Assistant
June 2020 – August 2020
- Graded student projects that analyzed different data sets using ANOVA, chi square, regression tests, etc.